Success Stories

This class has helped me a lot because my grammar has gotten better. It’s been great and even my teachers are noticing. I couldn’t believe it myself. I’ve been having to do many essays and this class has also helped me in that. Many believe this class would be boring because they might not like school or English.”
-Kelly 11th grade

“This class has improved my vocabulary and my way of speaking. This class made me realize that writing is very important because it can be the only way people can form an opinion of who you are.” -Alfonso, 11th grade

“This class has helped my vocabulary a lot. I learned more than 40 words that I’ve never even know the definition of. For example, I was reading a book called “The Autobiography of Malcolm X”, and there were many words that I had learned in this program that helped me understand the book more clearly. Also, there are times when I’m watching the news and my teachers are assigning us homework and they use some of the words I learned in class.Because of this class, I am able to use higher vocabulary and understand many more things.” -Sophia, 11th grade

“College Now! helped me develop my use of English in a more proper way. I’ve learned how to write an essay or any other writing assignments. College Now! provided  me with step by step instructions that made English easier for me to understand. It also expanded my vocabulary by providing assignments that used different ways to memorize words. -José, 11th grade

“College Now! has helped me to understand more vocabulary words and also helped me to keep my credits up. I want to learn more words so in the future I can write the words that I have learned in the class and use them when I speak to people. By being in the class it will help me improve on my grammar and expand my vocabulary which will help me in the long run when I go to interviews for jobs which I plan to start doing very soon.” -Abel, 12th grade

“The reason I joined College Now! is because I needed credits for school and there was’nt any other alternatives. College Now! helped me improve majorly in my vocabulary skills. This course boosted my morale because I was learning real college words that really make people sound intelligent. In addition, I liked this course because we were taught legitimate college vocabulary. ” -Norbis 12th grade